Quienes somos
Apoyo Social

Our MontañActiva Center is based to respect the nature and the values to grow and live in a natural environment, highlighting the importance of the ethics to care for the nature to enjoy it as it is.

We aim to educate all visitors about the importance of caring a natural environment; for children, youth and adults to love and be kind to all plants and animals that surround us through games and activities that allow them to interact directly with their learning to conserve and maintain a clean environment.



Our philosophy is framed in our methodology. We believe in the effectiveness of meaningful learning. Therefore all our activity sequences give free rein to our users to have an experience feedback with the natural environment in which they develop.

General objectives:
- Know the Environment.
- Strengthen family ties.
- To promote the positive aspects of the traditional way of life in a rural area.

Specific objectives:
- Introduction to the environmental education.
- To assimilate concepts relating to the natural environment.
- Strengthen intra-family boundaries.
- Encourage communication within the family.
- Inculcate the pleasure of living in nature.
- To promote activities that brings the individual to the environment around him.

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© MontanActiva - 2015. Activities Development Center in the natural environmental at the mountain chain in Madrid.